Featured image for blog post: "ADOPTING SUSTAINABLE FASHION HABITS - Every Little Step Counts" by State of Matter, featuring a hand holding a smartphone with a recycling symbol on the screen, symbolizing eco-friendly practices in fashion.

Sustainable Fashion Habits

The buzz around sustainable fashion is growing louder daily in our modern world. It's not just a fleeting trend but a shift in mindset that's here to stay. But what does it truly mean to embrace sustainable fashion habits? It's about making conscious choices, being mindful of our impact on the planet, and recognizing that every little step counts. In this blog post, we'll explore some easy-to-adopt practices that can help you positively change your wardrobe and the world.

What are Sustainable Fashion Habits?

Sustainable fashion habits encourage the use of eco-friendly and ethically made clothing. They involve making mindful decisions about what we wear, where we buy from, and how we care for our clothes. The goal is to reduce our environmental footprint and support fair working conditions and pay in the global fashion industry. These habits can range from choosing fashion brands that prioritize sustainability to buying less but better, upcycling old clothes, and even mending our garments instead of throwing them away. Let's consider how you can incorporate these habits into your everyday life.

What Makes a Fashion Brand Sustainable?

A fashion brand is considered sustainable when it prioritizes environmental, social, and economic aspects throughout its production process. Here are some factors that contribute to a fashion brand's sustainability:

Use of Eco-Friendly Materials: Sustainable brands utilize organic, recycled materials or have a low environmental impact. This includes organic cotton, hemp, bamboo, and recycled materials like plastic bottles or old garments. At State of Matter, our Phoenix Shirts are all made using recycled textiles.



Ethical Manufacturing Practices: A sustainable brand ensures fair working conditions for its workers. This includes paying fair wages, maintaining safe working environments, and respecting labor rights.

Transparency: Sustainable brands are transparent about their manufacturing processes, materials sourcing, and workers' treatment. They often share this information openly with their consumers.

Waste Reduction: These brands aim to minimize waste in their production processes. This can be achieved through efficient use of resources, recycling, and a zero-waste policy.

Longevity: Sustainable brands design high-quality products meant to last and offer repair services to prolong the lifespan of their products. They also encourage consumers to buy less but better. At State of Matter, we design pieces meant to last and to be worn over and over again. 

Animal Welfare: Brands that value sustainability often have policies in place to ensure the ethical treatment of animals if they use animal-derived materials. Some brands may also opt for vegan materials.

It's important to note that there's no universally agreed-upon standard for what makes a brand "sustainable." Different brands may prioritize different aspects of sustainability. However, truly sustainable brands strive to minimize their negative impacts while maximizing their positive contributions to the environment and society.

What is the Most Sustainable Type of Fashion?

The most sustainable type of fashion uses eco-friendly and ethically sourced materials. Based on my sources, some of the most sustainable fabrics include organic hemp, organic cotton, organic linen, recycled fabrics, lyocell, and Econyl®. State of Matter’s Triton collection is made using ECONYL®. 



Organic cotton or recycled cotton fabric is more sustainable than conventional cotton. Organic hemp is another sustainable fabric, as it doesn't require pesticides and uses less water than cotton. Organic linen is made from flax plants that are naturally resistant to pests, thus reducing the need for harmful chemicals.

Recycled fabrics reduce waste and energy consumption, making them a sustainable choice. Lyocell is a cellulose fiber made from wood pulp in an environmentally responsible production process. Econyl is a form of nylon made entirely from waste materials, including fishing nets and other nylon waste.

The most sustainable fashion is about thoughtful consumption and using eco-friendly, ethically sourced materials.

Adopting Sustainable Fashion Habits

Adopting sustainable fashion habits involves making mindful choices at every stage of your fashion consumption. Here are a few steps you can take:

Buy Less, Choose Well: One of the simplest ways to adopt sustainable fashion habits is to buy less. Instead of buying trendy items that quickly go out of style, invest in high-quality pieces that will last longer and remain stylish for years.

Support Sustainable Brands: Look for brands prioritizing sustainability in their manufacturing processes. These companies often use eco-friendly materials, minimize waste, and ensure fair working conditions for their workers.

Choose Eco-Friendly Fabrics: Opt for clothing made from sustainable fabrics such as organic cotton, hemp, or recycled materials. These fabrics are produced using methods that are less harmful to the environment.

Care for Your Clothes Properly: Extend the life of your clothes by taking proper care of them. This includes washing them less frequently, repairing them when needed, and storing them properly.

Upcycle and Recycle: Instead of throwing away old clothes, consider upcycling them into something new. If that's not possible, recycle them through appropriate channels.

Rent or Swap Clothes: Consider renting instead of buying for special occasions or seasonal items. You can also organize clothing swaps with friends to refresh your wardrobe without buying new ones.

Every little step towards sustainable fashion makes a big difference. It's not about perfection but about making better choices whenever possible.
