Featured image for blog post: "THE RISE OF ECONYL FABRIC" by State of Matter, showing an underwater scene with fish and floating fabric, emphasizing sustainable fashion.

Econyl Fabric: A Sustainable Alternative to Traditional Nylon

What is Econyl fabric? This is a question that more and more people are asking as they become more interested in sustainable fashion. Econyl fabric is made from recycled materials, which makes it a much more environmentally friendly option than virgin nylon fabrics. It also requires less energy and less plastic waste to produce than virgin nylon. This makes Econyl fabric a more sustainable option for fashion brands and consumers, and In addition to being more environmentally friendly, recycled nylon is incredibly durable.

The magic in ECONYL® is that it's a regenerated nylon that would otherwise pollute the Earth. This waste is transformed back into raw material that performs exactly the same as brand new nylon.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of econyl fabric and how we at State of Matter utilize it in our garments.

Econyl vs. Nylon

Regarding sustainability, there are few materials as environmentally friendly as econyl fabric. This regenerated nylon fabric is made from recycled materials such as discarded fishing nets, landfill waste, and other waste products, which would otherwise end up in landfills or the ocean. In contrast, traditional nylon ingredients are made from petroleum-based materials that are not biodegradable. Econyl fabric is created through a spinning process that takes the waste and breaks it down into small fibers. These small fibers are then turned into yarn, used to create fabric. The fabric is soft, durable, and can be used for various clothing items.

Econyl fabric is also a more durable fabric than traditional nylon fiber. It doesn't fade or lose shape over time, making it a good choice for clothing that needs to last. In addition, because it's made from recycled materials, Econyl fabric helps reduce waste and promote sustainability.

Econyl Fabric History

Econyl fabrics was created by Aquafil, an Italian plastics company that manufactures yarns made from recycled plastic and nylon waste. In 2011, Aquafil started using Econyl fabric to create a new line of sustainable swimwear fabrics. The Econyl fabric has since been used by fashionable apparel brands in various garments, including activewear, outerwear, and even home goods.

Uses and the Future of Econyl

The use of Econyl fabrics, a sustainable alternative to traditional materials, has increased dramatically in recent years as more brands emphasize environmental consciousness. In 2018, it was estimated that over 8 million pounds (3,600 metric tons) of Econyl fabric were used in fashion garments. This number is expected to grow as awareness of the benefits of Econyl fabric  increases and Econyl clothing becomes more popular.

As the world becomes more conscious of the need to reduce waste and protect the environment, we expect to see more brands using Econyl fabric in their garments. Econyl clothing is an excellent choice for fashion brands that want to reduce their environmental impact as a sustainable and durable fabric.

Econyl at State of Matter

Our Triton collection, consisting of our Chinos, Shorts, 5-Pocket Pants and Suit Jacket are all created using Econyl. Rather than polluting the earth, this regenerated nylon comes to life again in our Triton line. We believe in actions that lead the clothing industry towards a cleaner future.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What makes ECONYL fibre more sustainable than regular nylon?

ECONYL is more sustainable because it's made from recycled materials, reducing the need for new resources and minimizing environmental impact. It transforms waste like fishing nets into high-quality fabric, making it a greener alternative to traditional nylon.

What are the benefits of Econyl fabric?

Econyl fabric offers environmental benefits by reducing waste and conserving resources. Its durability and versatility make it ideal for various applications, supporting sustainable fashion and design practices.

Is ECONYL environmentally friendly?

Yes, ECONYL is environmentally friendly due to its recycling process, which reduces waste and conserves resources. By repurposing materials, it lessens the environmental footprint compared to producing new nylon.

Can ECONYL be recycled?

ECONYL can be recycled, aligning with circular economy principles. This recyclability allows for continuous reuse, decreasing the need for new materials and reducing environmental impact.

Why isn't nylon sustainable?

Traditional nylon isn't sustainable due to its reliance on petroleum, a non-renewable resource, and its energy-intensive production process, which contributes to environmental degradation.

